AJK President seeks adoption of resolution in favor of Kashmiris’ right to self-determination

Azad Jammu and Kashmir President Barrister Sultan Mahmood Chaudhry on Wednesday said the National Assembly and Senate of Pakistan should adopt a strong resolution in favor of Kashmiris’ right of self-determination and against the ongoing Indian atrocities in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK). He expressed these views in a detailed meeting with Senator Dr. Zarqa Suhrawardy who called on him at the Jammu and Kashmir House in the federal metropolis, said a press release. Speaking on the occasion, the AJK President said there was a dire need that the Kashmir issue should be raised at the international forums. He said it was high time that Kashmiri people should stand up to raise their voices at the global level for the solution of the Kashmir. “The Kashmiri and Pakistani Diaspora community together can play a vital role in that regard”, he added.

AJK President seeks adoption of resolution in favor of Kashmiris’ right to self-determination