A Remarkable Tribute to Dr. Allama Muhammad Iqbal at Islamabad Model School for Girls

A Remarkable Tribute to DIslamabad - 10 November 2023 (Adnan Hameed): In a distinguished event at Islamabad Model School for Girls (VI-X) G-9/4, a tribute was paid to the eminent philosopher-poet, Dr. Allama Muhammad Iqbal. The event was graced by Mr. Anjum Aqeel, Secretary of Muslim League (N) Federal Capital and ex-member of the National Assembly, along with other notable figures including Ms. Farzana Kauser, Senior President of Social Media in the Federal Capital, and Ms. Nasreen Ashraf, President of the Women's Wing, Muslim League (N) NA-54. Senior principals from the vicinity and members of the Student Management Committee, Mr. & Mrs. Tauqeer and Mr. Hafiz Jameel Asgher, attended the function passionately. Madam Lubna Tasleem, the school principal, welcomed the august guests and shared insights into the school's successful academic journey. Students showcased their talents through impressive speeches in Urdu and English, recitations of poems in Urdu and Persian with English translations, and a tableau performance emphasizing the profound messages of Iqbal's poetry. The themes revolved around awakening Muslims from slumber and the significance of self-realization, particularly the "concept of Kudi," along with a strong emphasis on following Quranic teachings and "sunnah." The participants received resounding applause from the captivated audience. The esteemed guests commended the students for their splendid program, commemorating the contributions of the Poet of the East. Mr. Anjum Aqeel assured to address the existing issues of the school on a priority basis. The event marked a tremendous success for the principal, Madam Lubna Tasleem, and her dedicated team.

A Remarkable Tribute to Dr. Allama Muhammad Iqbal at Islamabad Model School for Girls
A Remarkable Tribute to Dr. Allama Muhammad Iqbal at Islamabad Model School for Girls
A Remarkable Tribute to Dr. Allama Muhammad Iqbal at Islamabad Model School for Girls