Romina Khurshid Lauds UNDP-Pakistan's Support for Climate Risk Mitigation

Islamabad - 20 June 2024 (Nasir Abbas): Deputy Resident Representative for the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Pakistan, Van Nguyen, met with Coordinator to the Prime Minister on Climate Change, MNA Romina Khurshid Alam, to discuss crucial matters pertaining to climate risk mitigation and adaptation strategies. During the productive meeting held at the Ministry of Climate Change and Environmental Coordination, both parties engaged in extensive discussions covering topics such as climate finance for adaptation and mitigation measures, agriculture insurance, and urban flood resilience. Van Nguyen briefed Romina Khurshid Alam on the Global Shield against Climate Risks initiative, highlighting its aim to provide comprehensive protection against climate and disaster-related risks in vulnerable countries like Pakistan through pre-arranged finance. Explaining the initiative further, Nguyen underscored its role in offering immediate financial resources in response to disasters, thereby bolstering the resilience of economies, businesses, and communities in climate-vulnerable regions. Moreover, the initiative seeks to bridge protection gaps and address losses and damages exacerbated by climate change, while also providing grant-based financial and technical assistance for the development and implementation of climate resilience solutions. Expressing gratitude for UNDP-Pakistan's unwavering support, Romina Khurshid Alam praised the organization for its commitment to bolstering Pakistan's climate resilience efforts, particularly in sectors such as agriculture and urban flood resilience. Khurshid Alam reiterated her dedication to availing any opportunity that enhances the protection of lives and livelihoods, emphasizing the importance of efficient and effective disaster preparedness and response mechanisms. Highlighting the urgency of addressing the adverse impacts of climate change, Khurshid Alam emphasized the need for better systems to provide immediate financial assistance to vulnerable communities in the face of climate-related disasters. The meeting between Romina Khurshid Alam and UNDP-Pakistan reaffirms the commitment of both parties to collaborate effectively in mitigating climate risks and fostering resilience in Pakistan and beyond.

Romina Khurshid Lauds UNDP-Pakistan's Support for Climate Risk Mitigation