Karachi - 5 June 2024 - (Nasir Abbas): The team from the International Civil Aviation Organization Coordinated Validation Mission (ICVM) paid a visit to the Pakistan Civil Aviation Authority Headquarters today. During their visit, they had a productive meeting with the PCAA leadership, which included Secretary Aviation/DGCAA Saif Anjum and Deputy DG Regulatory Nadir Shafi Dar, along with other key civil aviation officials. Both sides delivered informative presentations related to the mission and introduced themselves. It is important to note that the purpose of the ICVM team's visit to Pakistan, scheduled from June 5 to 12, is to carry out a validation/verification mission activity, rather than an audit. Apart from visiting the PCAA Headquarters, the ICVM team will also be visiting other regulatory directorates, such as Legal, Operations, Airworthiness, and Flight Standards. Their main objectives revolve around reviewing different aspects of the state's aviation system and validating the progress made on the objectives of ICAO audits in ICAO Member States.