Palestinian Foreign Minister Dr. Al-Maliki Discusses Gaza Situation with Pakistani Counterpart

Islamabad - (Adnan Hameed): The Minister of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates, Dr. Riyad Al-Maliki, engaged in a significant conversation with his counterpart, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Pakistan, Minister Jalil Abbas Gilani. The discussion revolved around the distressing events unfolding in the Gaza Strip. Minister Gilani expressed his heartfelt condolences to the Palestinian people and their representatives, decrying the severe Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip. He conveyed Pakistan's profound dissatisfaction with the extensive destruction and loss of life that the Palestinian people have been enduring throughout the 32 days of the brutal Israeli war on Gaza. Pakistan, in its entirety, reaffirmed its steadfast support for the Palestinian cause. The government, political parties, parliament, and institutions of Pakistan stand shoulder to shoulder with the Palestinian people in their struggle for freedom and the realization of their state within the 1967 borders, with East Jerusalem as its capital. Pakistan also pledged its unwavering commitment to deploy all available resources to assist the Palestinian people during these challenging times. In response, Minister Al-Maliki provided a detailed account of the relentless Israeli actions against the Gaza Strip, including civilian casualties, infrastructure destruction, and the disruption of essential services like water, electricity, and communication. Hospitals have been hampered in their ability to treat a high number of casualties, with Israeli forces targeting not only combatants but also civilians, particularly children, women, and the elderly. Ambulances have not been spared from these attacks. Minister Al-Maliki outlined the State of Palestine's stance and called upon the international community to put an end to the bloodshed, demand an immediate ceasefire, and ensure the delivery of humanitarian aid, including food, medicine, water, and fuel. Moreover, he emphasized the necessity of shelter for the displaced and the protection of the Palestinian people. He underscored the need to address the root causes of the conflict and initiate a political process to end the occupation, leading to the establishment of an independent and sovereign state with Jerusalem as its capital. Minister Al-Maliki also highlighted the escalating violence perpetrated by Israeli settlers and the military in the West Bank, including occupied Jerusalem, affecting civilians and disrupting daily life. These actions appear to be aimed at destabilizing the region and providing pretexts for wider incursions, potentially leading to further loss of life and displacement of Palestinian residents. In conclusion, the Palestinian and Pakistani ministers have agreed to convene during the upcoming Islamic summit in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, to enhance coordination between their nations and collaborate on international platforms to advance the Palestinian cause and uphold the rights of the Palestinian people.

Palestinian Foreign Minister Dr. Al-Maliki Discusses Gaza Situation with Pakistani Counterpart