Civil Aviation Authority and Federal Ombudsman organize a seminar for protection against harassment at workplace

Karachi :- ( Bureau chief karachi)23 August 2023: The PCAA Human Resource Directorate, in collaboration with the Federal Ombudsman Secretariat for Protection against Harassment at Workplace (FOSPAH), organized a seminar at JIAP Karachi. The session began with an opening note from Air Commodore (R) Shahid Qadir, the Director of Security, who welcomed the Chief Guest Ms. Fauzia Waqar, the Federal Ombudsman. Air Vice Marshal Taimur Iqbal, Additional Director General of the Pakistan Civil Aviation Authority, Air Cdr Shahid qadir, Director of Security, Lt. (R) Abid Ali, Director HR, Syed Asif Raza Gillani, Director P&D, and Airport Manager Muhammad Erfan were also present the seminar. During her speech, Ms. Fauzia Waqar shared her experiences on the protection of women at the workplace. The Chief Guest enlightened the audience about the Federal Government's aim of creating a safe working environment for all females.The FOSPAH team delivered a presentation on the Protection against Harassment of Women at Workplace Act, which has been amended in 2021. Ms. Fauzia Waqar also answered questions from the audience and highlighted the significance of the 2010 act. She presented the contributions and achievements of the Federal Ombudsman Secretariat. A large number of PCAA employees attended the session with great interest. On behalf of the Director General PCAA, Additional Director General Air Vice Marshal Taimur Iqbal presented a Crest to the Honorable Chief Guest Ms Fauzia Waqar. Additional Director General Taimur Iqbal in his speech reiterated CAA's commitment to implement the 2010 Act. FOSPAH Team also showed gratitude to PCAA HR Team for arranging a successful seminar.

Civil Aviation Authority and Federal Ombudsman organize a seminar for protection against harassment at workplace